How do you define "success"?
Everybody wants to be loved and liked and purchased from. You have a product or service to sell or a message to deliver. How can you be sure you deliver the right message and "call to action" to the right people in a way that sounds genuine and simple for your site visitors? Remember, it's not about what you offer people, it's about how they perceive your offer.
When your site visitors feel they have satisfaction and have received value from transacting with you, then any reviews or word of mouth from them (and their repeat visits) are a "warm lead" with whom you may have more likelihood of further conversation.
In these days of smart phones and Social Media, this has become more convenient and easy for people - assuming your site is "mobile friendly" and includes "Social links" and other opportunities for quick conversations.
Who Are You and What Do You Offer?
Standing Out in Your Niche

These days, it can take a lot to stand out in the crowd. And after you stand out and someone clicks a link, landing on your site, you then may have only 6 seconds or so to capture that visitor's interest, be relevant and give them reason to stay awhile. Why pick you?
People buy from people,
not from websites... when
you influence their perceptions,
you influence their actions.
If you have content, products and services that are interesting and relevant to their search queries, what do they see next and quickly on your landing page? How do you deliver on the promise suggested in the ad or search listing or email link this person just clicked to arrive on your website? How do you convey trust and authority in your niche?
Remember, that browser back button is just a click away. You need to quickly convince your web visitor you are trustworthy and relevant enough for them to spend their precious time engaging further and deeper into your site. The more a visitor stays on your site and engages with your content, media and "calls to action", the more likely that visitor may become a client or customer or at least someone interested in being on your mailinglist.
Create Your Brand Image
Custom Graphics and Logo Design
With a unique fine art touch,
communicate your brand identity
with a custom logo and graphics!
A custom logo, graphics, color and aesthetics are key to helping you build a brand that is unique to you, while also communicating your services or product(s). A good design will allow people, at a glance, to get the gist of who you are and what you offer, along with inviting them to explore further.
Tailored graphics, color and aesthetics help people feel trust about what they see when they land on your site and that the landing page is a potential match for what it is they are seeking. These graphical elements can either support the content and your words, or they can be a distraction.
After a potential client or customer finds your website on a search results page and clicks through to the site, what sort of logo, color scheme, and supporting graphics elements will establish trust in you and let them know your services or product(s) can provide solutions for their issues, problems and desires?
Get Found, Turn Visitors into Customers
Analytics and Site Speed Optimization
Getting good search engine
ranking is an art form.
It pays to do it right!
Before you can hope to turn a visitor into a lead, first your site has to be found on the internet - hence SEO, site speed performance optimization and crafting your site architecture and content to rank well in search engines for the right keywords and audience has become more important now than
ever. You don't want to be "just another pretty Wordpress website". You
want your site to be seen and remembered and for people to take action
and engage with you.
Is your website "mobile-friendly"? Was it designed with mobile in mind from square-1 or was mobile a last minute addon to finish the website development project?
When you provide good, relevant content and messaging in a way that's relatively intuitive and easy to navigate, your visitors are more likely to remember your site and come back, bookmark it or perhaps tell a friend in Social or email. Make it easy and painless for people to engage with you and provide good, perceived value - that is the formula for website success.
You've found your 1-stop Webmaster, Hosting
and Web "Techno-Marketing Coach"

At JEO Webmaster Services, our goal is to help you define and design a site and web presence that is more than just an "online brochure" of your products and services. Our goal is to create for you a 24x7 professional web marketing partner/website, one that will work hard for you to attract just the right audience and convince them to take the actions you wish for them to take.
Web development, hosting
and tech support services,
all under one umbrella.
We got your back.
If you have an artistic or aesthetic direction in mind, we are a match made in heaven, as I can turn your imagination into a competent and effective, technical implementation.
If you don't yet know what you want or even what's possible, I can help you brainstorm and tease out just that right "little something" that can make you unique in your niche on the internet.
We want to build for you an online assistant that can deliver valuable, actionable information about who visits your site, from where and whether or not they get you your most valuable content and in general, what they do when they interact with your site.
Contact us now with your questions or to talk about a quote for your project. Download a free "Quick Tips" report, or check out our "List of Services" to get more ideas on what we provide and how that may be of value to you.